Pulani Ki: Home of Sexual and Reproductive Health products and services
Pulani Ki is a mobile and web-based platform that has been designed to bring essential sexual and reproductive health and maternal health services and information closer to the urban population.
About Pulani Ki
Pulani KI is a mobile and web based platform that has been designed to bring essential sexual and reproductive health and maternal health services and information closer to the urban population.
The platform’s overall goal is to build demand and enhance uptake for essential Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health services and information for the urban Ugandan population by bypassing key barriers that hinder access and uptake like; stigma, discrimination, biases from health service providers limited choices to a range of services and lack of information.
The platform also seeks to increase access to a wide range of choice of SRHR and maternal health services by giving clients a wide range of options and sufficient information on user description to guide their decision making.

Pulani Ki Features
Pulani Ki is used by adults seeking sexual and reproductive health information and services. We connect product and service providers through one platform
Services & Products Nearest to You
Pulani Ki uses Geo-location to provide products and services next to your location
Chat with qualified health worker/ counsellor.
Pulani Ki users will have the opportunity to directly chat with our qualified health workers/counsellors for counselling, guidance and advise on a wide range of SRHR, HIV, STIs and MCH issues. Other key topics that our counsellors provide information on include; drugs and substance abuse, sexual and gender based violence, post rape care support among others.
SRH Appointment Bookings
Pulani KI is a mobile and web based platform that has been designed to bring essential sexual and reproductive health and maternal health services and information closer to the urban population. The platform’s overall goal is to build demand and enhance uptake for essential Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health services and information for the urban Ugandan population by bypassing key barriers that hinder access and uptake like; stigma, discrimination, biases from health service providers limited choices to a range of services and lack of information. The platform also seeks to increase access to a wide range of choice of SRHR and maternal health services by giving clients a wide range of options and sufficient information on user description to guide their decision making.
Great Support
We have dedicated staff to help you in case of challenges accessing services or products on the Pulani Ki Platforms
Maternal and child health (MCH) services
Pulani Ki platform provides maternal and child health services. The application offers services like; booking an appointment with a doctor for antenatal care, skilled facility based delivery, post abortion care and other postnatal care services, infant and child health services like immunization among others.
Information Hub
Pulani Ki is a one stop center for all the important information that you need to know on SRHR (Contraceptives, Safe Abortion), Maternal and Child Health, HIV, STIs, Drugs and Substance Abuse, Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

How It Work?
Pulani Ki app is available on PlayStore. Download app and request for products and services at your own convenience.
If you are an agent or service provider, signup to be added onto the platform
Access your sales/service invoices and related reports in the back office
App Screenshots
Check out the Pulani Ki mobile features below

Download Now Available
Pulani Ki app is available for download on Google PlayStore
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